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Вы заинтересованы в присоединении к исследовательской группе, которая помогает снизить вред для людей, употребляющих наркотики?

Центр по вопросам употребления психоактивных веществ и здоровья может быть подходящим местом для вас!

Мы проводим фармакологические и поведенческие вмешательства, а также наблюдательные исследования, чтобы максимизировать результаты для здоровья людей, употребляющих алкоголь, метамфетамин, опиоиды и другие вещества. Мы работаем с людьми, которые активно употребляют психоактивные вещества, и фокусируемся на достижении их целей, связанных с употреблением психоактивных веществ, включая снижение уровня употребления, вреда, профилактику или лечение инфекционных заболеваний или предотвращение передозировки наркотиков. Мы проводим исследования на базе сообществ в центре Сан-Франциско, располагая оборудованием и ресурсами, необходимыми для проведения сложных клинических исследований. Мы также проводим соответствующую программную и имплементационную деятельность. Мы гордимся тем, что относимся к людям, употребляющим психоактивные вещества, с уважением и достоинством и наслаждаемся сплоченной культурой интеллектуального любопытства и сотрудничества.

Отзыв нашего предыдущего помощника по подбору персонала о его пребывании в CSUH:

«Трудно выразить словами, насколько особенным было мое время в CSUH. Эта работа помогла мне пережить важный переход в моей жизни от работы учителем в течение 10 лет до того, как я стала медсестрой. С того дня, как я начала, я знал, что это организация с сердцем (и мозгами! …и мужеством!).Поистине, я так горжусь тем, что был частью CSUH и внес хоть малейший вклад в важную работу по сбору доказательств того, что медицинское сообщество , политикам и широкой общественности необходимо понять и оптимизировать состояние здоровья сообществ, употребляющих психоактивные вещества».

Текущие вакансии

Пожалуйста, отправляйте резюме и сопроводительные письма через Heluna Health, нажав ссылку на полное описание вакансии.

The Center on Substance Use and Health (CSUH) at the San Francisco Department of Public Health invites applications for the full-time position of Research Associate. Under the supervision of the Program Manager, the Research Associate will be responsible for a wide variety of duties and projects related to behavioral and pharmacologic studies in the fields of HIV prevention and substance use, mainly on the PRIME study. The Research Associate will support the investigators of this close-knit research team in the conduct of research protocols within the guidelines of Good Clinical Practice, be responsible for screening potential participants over the phone or in-office, obtaining informed consent, and proactively managing participant scheduling and conducting study visits. The RA will also perform rapid STI/HIV tests, STI/HIV risk reduction counseling, conduct substance use and medication adherence counseling using principles of harm reduction, and conduct retention efforts for participants over the course of study follow-up schedule.


This is a temporary, grant-funded, full-time, benefitted position. Employment is provided by Heluna Health. View the application and apply here.

Research Associate

The Center on Substance Use and Health (CSUH) at the San Francisco Department of Public Health invites applications for the full-time position of Research Associate. Under the supervision of the Program Manager, the Research Associate will be responsible for a wide variety of duties and projects related to behavioral and pharmacologic studies in the fields of HIV prevention and substance use, primarily on the CURB 2.0 study. The Research Associate will support the investigators of this close-knit research team in the conduct of research protocols within the guidelines of Good Clinical Practice, be responsible for screening potential participants over the phone or in-office, obtaining informed consent, and proactively managing participant scheduling and conducting study visits. The RA will also perform rapid STI/HIV tests, STI/HIV risk reduction counseling, conduct substance use and medication adherence counseling using principles of harm reduction, and conduct retention efforts for participants over the course of study follow-up schedule.


This is a temporary, grant-funded, full-time, benefitted position. Employment is provided by Heluna Health. View the application and apply here.

Clinical Research Program Manager

The Center on Substance Use and Health (CSUH) at the San Francisco Department of Public Health invites applications for the full-time position of Clinical Research Program Manager. In the position of Clinical Research Program Manager, you work under the supervision of the Director, and are responsible for overseeing study day-to-day activities, progress, and regulatory affairs. You must have good attention to detail, be willing to work in a team, and enjoy problem-solving, as our studies are usually investigator-initiated and require in-house development of resources. The CRPM will oversee and coordinate observational and intervention studies addressing substance use, including coordinating study start-up, ensuring that studies are enrolling according to goals; and supporting staff to meet these goals using data-driven problem-solving. The CRPM will facilitate weekly meetings and supervise research associates and other staff working on studies; conduct regularly scheduled supervisory meetings with direct reports, complete performance evaluations, and provide guidance and mentorship as a supervisor. Ensure that study staff are up-to-date with all training requirements, licenses and certifications, and plan for and manage study data needs, including creation and modification of survey instruments, interview guides, case report forms, tracking databases, etc.

This is a temporary, grant-funded, full-time, benefitted position. Employment is provided by Heluna Health. View the application and apply here.

Recruitment Assistant

Heluna Health invites applications for the part-time position of Study Recruitment Assistant in the Center on Substance Use and Health (CSUH) at the San Francisco Department of Public Health. The Center on Substance Use and Health conducts pharmacologic and behavioral interventions and observational studies to maximize the health outcomes of people use alcohol, methamphetamine, opioids, and other substances. We are seeking an outgoing, committed, detail-oriented, energetic person to join our recruitment study team. The Recruitment Assistant’s primary responsibilities will be to conduct recruitment activities for all pharmacologic and behavioral interventions and observational trials within our unit. Essential responsibilities are listed below. Applicants must be comfortable working with substance users and diverse populations in public and private, outdoor and indoor settings, such as; HIV clinics, transgender health clinics, behavioral health clinics, community based organizations, needle exchanges, sex clubs and other environments. Applicants must also have experience with street-based recruitment (active and passive) or transferrable skills.

This is a temporary, grant-funded, part-time, benefitted position. Employment is provided by Heluna Health. View the application and apply here.

Мы являемся работодателем позитивных действий и равных возможностей, который поощряет меньшинства, женщин, ветеранов и людей с ограниченными возможностями подавать заявки.

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